Seven simple tips; One BIG impact
Imagine struggling to understand what someone says, not because they’re far away but because background noise, poor lighting, or overlapping voices make communication difficult. Whether it’s your workplace, a community space, or an online meeting, here are seven simple tips that won’t break the budget but will make a world of difference to your meeting space and help to foster full participation.
Tip 1 – Background Noise
If you are in a big meeting or just chatting with a friend, turn off background noise such as music, the radio, the TV or even the tap when having a conversation. This might seem obvious, but it’s surprising how many people forget that background noise has an enormous impact on how well we hear. That’s why we have made it our number one tip.

Tip 2 – Lighting
Have you noticed that often people subconsciously put their glasses whilst listening intently to what you have to say. Why? Because they want to see your face clearly so they can pick up on your expressions and read the sounds that you make through your lips.

Our second tip is that because everybody lipreads, good lighting makes for good listening. Look out for our next post which will be dedicated to lighting!
This goes for online meetings too. Always check that your camera is positioned so everyone can see your face clearly, and add a desk lamp for that extra illumination.

Tip 3 – get their attention before speaking
Often the most important part of a sentence is right at the beginning where you put everything into context so get their attention before speaking. How? Say their name or gently tap their arm.
Tip 4 – Talk one at a time
Nobody likes meetings where everyone talks over one another this is because it’s hard to know which conversation to listen to. In order to get the best from your meeting, encourage participants to talk one at a time. An added unexpected benefit is that if you follow this tip, your meetings will be more productive and quicker too!

Tip 5 – Avoid Shouting
Some people think that it’s a good idea to speak a little louder or more clearly. We would suggest that a calm, normal tone works best. Always avoid shouting, as it can come across as aggressive.
Tip 6 – Skip Exaggerated Gestures
You should also just talk normally and skip those exaggerated gestures, which can confuse rather than clarify.

Tip 7 – Soft Furnishings
If you have ever hung curtains in an empty room, you will know that soft furnishings make a real difference. Rooms with high ceilings and hard surfaces can be difficult for everyone, so if you can, add soft furnishings like carpets, curtains or even a cushion or two. This will reduce echo and improve acoustics.

Want to make your meetings more hearing-friendly?
Hearing Ambassadors offer expert talks to any organisation on simple, effective ways to improve hearing well-being for your entire team.
Click here today to contact us directly or select one of our talks and book an in-person or online session via Speakernet